WOW so a lot of time has passed. i just wanted to say thank you SO much for all the love on three coffees and four sojus- i never thought it would go so far. 11.5k views??? that is inSANE to me. a few updates: I was going to be updating over the summer, but i've been ia bc ever since the data breach with wattpad in July, i was so scared and actually figured out that my account had been breached, so i logged out and got myself off the hacker lists. i JUST logged back in today. to be quite honest, it has been a long time since i've thought about this story. however, i do want to try and finish this story. so, i hate to ask again, but if you still want to read this story , please reply ! thank you all so much, it's been a crazy year so i hope you all have been staying safe :D -candy @galacticjk on twitter!

@galacticjk i wish you are well i hope you are doing well i'm very glad i had read your book three coffee's and four soju's i hope you continue writing it we'll be very glad 'bout it