so . . you enjoying the view pal ? or can i help you with something ?

@nobIeforce I know right? Anyways it’s not so bad being a knight. Or being Padmé’s guard. *he chuckled as they turned a hall* It’s quite amusing actually. She gets all flustered when you use ‘common phrases and terminologies’ of the ‘lower class.’

@galacticmechanic you're fortunate to have learned such trades . most nobility aren't given the chance . * she responded interestedly , continuing to listen intently as the conversation carried on * appearances are deceiving . . . in so many obvious ways . kriff . that's certainly one way to settle a debt .

@nobIeforce I grew up as a mechanic. Learned to fix every vehicle that crossed my path *he explained despite not being asked* Yeah. I know. I don’t look the part but I wasn’t raised as a jedi. I happened to be force sensitive and this guy I owed insisted on having me learn the ways as payment. And now here I am.