
(These will also be all listed in my bio for a period of time!)
          	Undetermined Works;
          	- Sorry, You're Cute [Ryllon]
          	- The Mind's Colors [Way Brothers]
          	- Without You There's No Reason For My Story [OneShots]
          	Deleted Works:
          	- Adopted [Phan]
          	- Whipped Cream [BrOhm]
          	- Shut Up I Love You [MiniCat]
          	- 2:17 [Frerard]
          	- Journal Entries [Joshler]


(These will also be all listed in my bio for a period of time!)
          Undetermined Works;
          - Sorry, You're Cute [Ryllon]
          - The Mind's Colors [Way Brothers]
          - Without You There's No Reason For My Story [OneShots]
          Deleted Works:
          - Adopted [Phan]
          - Whipped Cream [BrOhm]
          - Shut Up I Love You [MiniCat]
          - 2:17 [Frerard]
          - Journal Entries [Joshler]


IMPORTANT PSA: I have unpublished all of my works! I know that this has happened! I feel as though I have matured as a writer and person, so I will be both redoing the stories, and getting rid of some entirely. I will post lists of the ones that are still to be determined, and the already deleted ones shortly.


this message may be offensive
I'm not like,,, afraid of spiders but like,,,, if one falls under my bed i'm fucking oUTIE 
          (tdlr; i tried to kill a spider that was in my room and it fell under my bed so i grabbed my drawing stuff, my ipad, a blanket, and came out into my house's loft so i'm now on the computer HAHAHAHAH IM SCARED TO GO IN MY ROOM NOW)