
this message may be offensive really just scared to say this to my friends, cuse i dont want them to worry, i know they'll see this but still...anyways this is...or may be just my finally day, if you know that means congrats, honestly im just tired, i dont feel like myself anymore, i  dont act how i used to, im annoying, clingy, i even act like a child, and i feel like just letting go, to be happy, i just want the great relaces  of death, its not worth living if its the same constant shit 24/7, my mom being mad at me, blaming me, my teachers, kids i dont even know from just so fucking done, i just want to stab myself and hope i dont wake up, no i pray that i dont wake up...honestly if i did have the ball to tell my friends this...but wont bc they already have shit they need to deal with, i would say "thank you" and "i love you all so so very much" but i just cant, honestly if i do just kms i would be happy, and hope my friends dont miss me, i mean theres noting to really miss about me im just a dumbass who cant spell, im useless, i already know my family wont miss me so hm...yeah this is :]


this message may be offensive really just scared to say this to my friends, cuse i dont want them to worry, i know they'll see this but still...anyways this is...or may be just my finally day, if you know that means congrats, honestly im just tired, i dont feel like myself anymore, i  dont act how i used to, im annoying, clingy, i even act like a child, and i feel like just letting go, to be happy, i just want the great relaces  of death, its not worth living if its the same constant shit 24/7, my mom being mad at me, blaming me, my teachers, kids i dont even know from just so fucking done, i just want to stab myself and hope i dont wake up, no i pray that i dont wake up...honestly if i did have the ball to tell my friends this...but wont bc they already have shit they need to deal with, i would say "thank you" and "i love you all so so very much" but i just cant, honestly if i do just kms i would be happy, and hope my friends dont miss me, i mean theres noting to really miss about me im just a dumbass who cant spell, im useless, i already know my family wont miss me so hm...yeah this is :]


ello so i have news The bridal goddess will be the story i will take down the story line isnt good ant they will never fall back in love and i honestly hate the ship now but since im not very active on this acc please go follow @000goblins000
          since thats were im working with other people from now own so imma just spoil all the storys, in are big happy family there were going to be two endings 1 were everyone dies and the other were they all live happy lives with the missing part of the past smile karl go back to his time and keep every moment of the time he spent in the 2000th with him closely and in the bitter sweet love of mine they just start dating ok thats all bye :]