
- Hey an update! -
          	Apologises for the lack of updates recently, it’s been hard to write and I’ve had some personal issues lately, I was diagnosed with depression and college is kicking my ass, but I’ll try to write soon and get back into the swing of things! Hope y’all are doing well <3 


@galaxy-stark you were my first notification, all the way back in 2015!! i'm sorry to hear you're going through a tough time :( your wellbeing is most important


@DPrakasanti I miss writing! Thank you for understanding tho ^v^ <3


@galaxy-stark I miss your update, really! But your condition is more important than anything. I hope you doing well....


this message may be offensive
Hi! I liked your frostiron oneshots so much, so I got inspo and wrote one, i'd be glad, if you checked.
          Also, I have an idea for another oneshot. Loki escaped with the tesseract and went to the main timeline. He was living in the same skyscraper (which was Tony's) with Tony, so they were meeting each other sometimes but couldn't recognize. Once they were stuck in the elevator and recognized each other (and ofc some romantic shit should happen there but I don't know what) That's it)))


You’re too sweet 


@ galaxy-stark  thank YOU for such cute stories


I’m so glad you liked them and that I could inspire you! That means a lot <3 I’ll definitely check it out! 
            And oooh I’ll take note! Your kind words and comments have given me motivation, so thank you <3


- Hey an update! -
          Apologises for the lack of updates recently, it’s been hard to write and I’ve had some personal issues lately, I was diagnosed with depression and college is kicking my ass, but I’ll try to write soon and get back into the swing of things! Hope y’all are doing well <3 


@galaxy-stark you were my first notification, all the way back in 2015!! i'm sorry to hear you're going through a tough time :( your wellbeing is most important


@DPrakasanti I miss writing! Thank you for understanding tho ^v^ <3


@galaxy-stark I miss your update, really! But your condition is more important than anything. I hope you doing well....


Just letting you guys know that I changed my profile pic/header - in case you got confused! 


@DPrakasanti I know :’D He’s a cutie


@galaxywolf_7 @probablyjosh You two are seriously the reason I keep writing, your comments make my day and I love writing because of your wonderful comments, thanks so much guys :’)


*wipes away tears* the honored feeling groweth, your welcome Author-Chan :³


@probablyjosh Really?! Thank you so much! Wowie that’s awesome thank you thank you <3 


*is literally feeling honored* well you're one of my favorite authors, so I'm glad we could help motivate you :')


Woah it’s been a while since I updated anything huh? I know loads of people are probably gone and don’t even know they still followed me, but I wanna know who’s still here! 
          One thing to say is that my mental health is absolutely incredible. I’m not afraid to say that at the time I was writing fanfictions, I didn’t see a point in living and I was a destroyed, mess of a person, but now I’m much better and I’m actually happy :)
          Second thing to say is that I’m so damn grateful and happy to anyone who looked up to my writing and my works and loved my fanfics, I still read the comments today and they make me smile and laugh :D
          Third, is that I’m working on a Frostiron fanfic, I’m sorry to say that septiplier doesn’t really work for me anymore? I appreciate the ship but my love for it has died quiiiite a bit, and I’ve moved on to so many Marvel ships, (god damn there’s a lot) do idk if anyone’s interested but I might upload it and see what people think ^^
          Hope I get to chat with you guys below!


@Games4Eva Awe that’s so sweet to hear ^^ I wish I could bring myself back to my septiplier ways haha but I just can’t seem to xS Thanks for the chat and the same goes for you! ^^