Thanks for following
I followed back ;)
Your bio is très amusant lol very funny
It's like bullet points converted into sentences
• male
• likes to read
• has no idea how to use Wattpad
I'm sorry
It's really late
And I'm just hysterical cause I finished the book shadows the sequel to ashes and I'm totally having an inner freak out but Llmfao on the outside
That last sentence just cracked me up so much
If you do need help with operating Wattpad I am toats here to help just pm me
Lol and if you don't know how to personal message reply to this comment
@GlOsSyIsCoOl Lol I'm glad I could make you laugh. Now that I go back to my bio, it does seem a bit stupid.. Lol it only makes sense to find others who like to read since this is a website for writers and readers :)
Thanks. I'm slowly figuring things out :))