
          	School and uni prep hv fckd me up
          	but i can manage B)
          	Imma continue and try to finish Levi x reader before my uni starts, hope ya enjoy the story! <3


Hello everyone!
          I'm terribly sorry for being inactive. I have a lot of things to handle at this moment. I might not continue my story until I finished my work (mainly school work). I probably will continue writing again next year, when the school is over (holiday). Thank you for supporting me, hope to see you soon♡
          Halo semua!
          Maaf banget aku jarang aktif. Banyak kerjaan yang harus diselesain. Aku mungkin ga akan ngelanjutin ceritaku sampe aku nyelesein semua tugasku (kebanyakan tugas sekolah). Aku bakal lanjut nulis lagi tahun depan, waktu libur sekolah. Makasih buat support kalian, see you later♡
          p.s. : if you still want to communicate/ engage with me, make sure to follow me on insta/ pinterest :>
          [ Personal Question ]
          Adakah dari kalian yang lagi bljr bhs. jepang atau inggris? Kl ada, tlg chat aku ya, thank you!