Not sure how many people still read my stories, I've seen a few new comments from around 2020, but I doubt I'll ever write on here again, I also don't think the people that once followed me are ever gonna see this, which is valid! I've also moved on to use other platforms. I'm not deleting much from this account, but I doubt I'll ever actually USE use this account anymore. But I'm also too attatched to my memories here to completley deactivate or delete this account. Here is where I started my writing journey. I started this account in 6th grade, and now im a freshman in college! I'm an illustration major. Everything I learned from writing here will be with me in my storytelling career. I'm not proud of much that I wrote here, but I can appreciate it for what it is. A product of it's time. I don't look back at all my writings and cringe, because cringe is dead. Maybe I'll continue my Transendance AU fic on Ao3, I still have that plot planned out actually, but don't plan on it. I know a lot of people make fun of their younger selves, and I'm not gonna do that. I was in middle school! EVERYONE is emberrased by their middle school selves, that's just a sign that you've grown. All the things I liked on here, all the things I wrote, they were what little Mason enjoyed, and I won't make fun of myself for that. All this to say, thank you Wattpad for all you did for me. Let me have a community when I most needed it, gave me a place to be creative, and let me express myself at a time when I couldn't find any other way. Anyways, I'm gonna continue digging through this account for nostalgia and have a fun laugh with my roomates. Thank you for the good times, and goodbye <3

actually, a large portion of these stories have my dead name in them... ok yeah they're getting unpublished lmao. I'll put them back up eventually when I edit them to have that old name removed

If you wanna continue following me, you can find me on Twitch: s0uperno0va Instagram: s0upern0va Youtube: Souper Nova