Hi! there is an account that is copying literally everything on my fuckshit book but just changing the main characters name. i do not know who this person is and i’m trying to get their account banned so if you would like to help you can report the following account for copyright reasons reliah_remi_vic thank you so much imma try to post a new chapter as soon as possible

first of all i blocked her but your the one bringing everything up again… obviously most people will follow the movie in their books but she was obviously copying like alotttt of what my own character was saying and writing exactlyyyy how i did word for word on many places and that has nothing to do with following the movie. obviously i also said that she did do stuff herself to with more chapters and other stuff but i know well she copied some of my stuff so please stop commenting this anymore cause she changed it up and your the one bringing it up again smh

@gallasnitch except for what she wrote after thats her just making things up if you have such an issue just block her but no one copied you