this message may be
@HumanMonst3r dude.. it's kind of supposed to be a secret.. BUT I'LL TELL YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DOPE! So you have to go to the country in Britain, then seek out the crazy old professor (with crazy hair), then you ask to live there. (or you can bribe.(or kill(but that's not really dope(so don't)))) Then you play hide and seek with the mean housekeeper (once again, bribe) and then you find the empty room with a large wardrobe with a sheet covering it. Go inside, and walk till you are in Narnia! If you make it, seek out meh or Mr. Tumnus. (He just came back from VACAY) If it's not working, the professor probably went inside that day, so try the next day. If you're still looking in the wardrobe.. you might be in the wrong one.
xx, a.k (don't worry, i'm just Aslan's adviser..)