So this is gonna be a hard message to write. Let's just start from the beginning. About a month ago I read through my old stories and realized how cringe-worthy and lazy they were and I decided to start a new account where I'll be rewriting some of my old stories and possibly make new ones. I would like to thank everyone who supported me over the last couple of years and continue to. This account has gotten me through tough times in my life and still does to this day. I struggle with both anxiety and depression and I find writing to be a good relaxing outlet. A lot has happened over the years and I still struggle to find motivation (hence Wings of a Hero not being finished) I quit my initial career and decided to go to retail due to Covid-19 and lost motivation to write. Luckily, a good friend was there to help me through my sad time and gave me resources to improve not only my emotions but my writing too. Not only do I enjoy my new job, but I also found motivation in writing again. I hope y'all will consider following me at @littlecaprisunpouch for more updates and follow my Instagram for more fun content which I plan to upload soon: Instagram: @gamergirlrage. Again I would like to thank you all for the continued support for the last four years. It means the world to me. This account will now be inactive from now on. but don't worry I'll be leaving most of my stories up I know you guys enjoy them look forward to future updates on my two rewrites. I love you all.
Sincerely, Natalie