Hey ! I had all the results of my exam today and I'm actually really surprised because I have a total of 333,2/400 !
Here my exact results:
French: 79/100 (Still don't know how I did that.)
Math: 92/100 (I'm still angry against the person who correct my copy.)
History Geographie MCE: 37/50 (I think that's pretty good !)
Biology: 42/50
Sciences: 42/50
Technology: 41,2/50
Total: 333,2/400
I personally think it's a good result and plus I'm the one with the most points so I'm the first in my class !
Moreover I am really surprised because I thought to be outmatched by the others but I was apparently wrong.
So, yeah ! I'm pretty happy about that !
Look like today is a good day !