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Times have been really tough for me recently so I should be uploading a TON of short stories soon, considering it's a coping mechanism. The first one is kinda bad cause it was an English project and I just needed to vent and I always do that on my English projects... no wonder he keeps asking if i'm okay... Throwback to when I wrote a ballad about a double suicide last year called the "Ballad Of Tragedy" and when I wrote the sonnet about how flipping worthless I was compared t my crush lmao. And all those heckin stories about how I'm a waste of space lmao. Welp! expect a lot of that. I like happy stories with dark twists or just upright dark shit, but that first short story isn't that dark cause it's an English project lmao.

@garbage_solid Hi Friend. Sorry we haven't talked in a long time. Hope you're doing as well as you can be and I hope the project went well. Also, hope we can talk again sometime.