
Just a quick update about how terrible I am. Work on The Boy in the Tunnel got derailed a bit over the last few weeks as I worked on another writing project - and then inertia took over and I fell even more behind. I can't promise there'll be an update this Friday, but if there isn't, there will be one Monday. Thank you for your patience.


The Boy in the Tunnel just served as my introduction to the Wattpad pad and I am now hooked. Hoping for more & thankful for what you have provided! 


@nariahtee Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm glad you liked it! I got a little sidetracked from writing over the last year, but new chapters will be coming in the next couple of weeks.


Just a quick update about how terrible I am. Work on The Boy in the Tunnel got derailed a bit over the last few weeks as I worked on another writing project - and then inertia took over and I fell even more behind. I can't promise there'll be an update this Friday, but if there isn't, there will be one Monday. Thank you for your patience.


So I didn't update last Friday, and I'm not updating today either. No excuses, just reasons: a stressful few weeks at work, a chapter that's been a little harder to crack, and a general post-holiday funk that's lasted way longer than it should have. In retrospect, taking three weeks off of updating around Christmas was maybe not the best idea, as I've fallen out of the habit of daily writing. So here's my pledge to you: The Boy in the Tunnel will be updated next Friday with a new Joanie chapter, and I will get my ass back into gear and get this train rolling again already. After that I figure there's seven or eight more chapters until the next Interlude, at which point the book will be more or less halfway finished. Which means this whole thing's going to be way longer than originally anticipated, but at least there'll be shortage of things to cut for the next draft.


Taking a realistic look at my work/life/writing schedule for the next few months, I've decided to change up the update schedule for The Boy in the Tunnel. Starting this week, new chapters will now be posted once a week, every week, on Friday. I'm about halfway done with the first draft of the novel, and I still plan to finish it in about six months. I think easing up on the posting schedule a bit will allow me to get a better draft done more quickly. As always, thanks for reading!


So I guess my Thanksgiving hiatus was either too long or not long enough, as I failed to complete Chapter 30 in time to post it this past Monday. The full Chapter 30 is now posted. We'll have two new chapters next week, on Monday the 10th and Friday the 14th, and then The Boy in the Tunnel will be going on a three-week Holiday Hiatus, with updates to resume on January 7


A slight hiccup in the plan there, as there was/is more catch-up to be played at work after the break than I thought. Chapter 31 will be posted this Friday, January 11, and regular updates will continue from there.