
What story should I make next the suggestion box is open


@gatchastudiolover hi its gatchastudiolover and I'm not on this page no more and I will take your suggestion and try to do this story


@gatchastudiolover The sanses notice that Error has been missing and they try to find him and they do after a few years but they find that he's been experimented on and take care of him since he isn't the most sane and stable health wise, his soul would have problems beating and just stop from time to time, he is very injured and close to death and he hasn't walked at all in the years it took the sanses to find him so his legs and entire body are very weak so he would also have trouble lifting things 


What story should I make next the suggestion box is open


@gatchastudiolover hi its gatchastudiolover and I'm not on this page no more and I will take your suggestion and try to do this story


@gatchastudiolover The sanses notice that Error has been missing and they try to find him and they do after a few years but they find that he's been experimented on and take care of him since he isn't the most sane and stable health wise, his soul would have problems beating and just stop from time to time, he is very injured and close to death and he hasn't walked at all in the years it took the sanses to find him so his legs and entire body are very weak so he would also have trouble lifting things 