Okay so here is a short rant type thing
So me and some friends decided to skip school because a teacher made an exam but sent an email bout it two days before and it was at like 4:30 in the morning tf so we're a group of about 5 ppl and we leave to a near by park and while we're there one of my friends gets a texts saying one of the girls who were there and I were called at the intercom so we start panicking and then were like let's just live in the moment and not panic (at the disco)
So we leave to go back to school cuz the buses were leaving and me and the girl that was call take one way and the other three take the other so the girl ends up going with her friends and is like I'm taking the city bus so I'm like aight ill figure how to get to my bus so I go and get caught by a teacher and she like the office is calling you so I try to escape I get caught cuz they were checking the buses and they are like were is the other girl I'm like she took the city cuz there is no point in lying. And I get in to trouble but I they call my dad and they are giving me a talk about not getting influenced even tho my friends decided skip because we all wanted to (at least I did) and ish my dad didn't end up caring cuz he understood and was like don't do it again (low-key thought he was going to beat me)
But the weird thing is me and the other girl were the only ones who got caught but other friend didn't two of them went on the list and I know why but I don't tell but the other one was and the teacher told them secretary the the three of us weren't there which is weird because the office only called us two but I'm stuck in the office for the first few periods but there is Bette AC there and better wifi to so I low key don't care I just gotta explain it to my mom cuz she got a call that I wasn't in class.
( Don't be bothered by the fact that there are legit zero periods in here idk what I'm even writing rn cuz I'm tired)