
Ignore my shitposting y'all, but I'm working on a song-based one-shot, and I actually kinda like it!


I'm currently about a third of the way through it. Dally and Johnny die (in their respective canon ways) tho...


Uuhhh so I have two books that I want to write, but I have one book of headcanons (it also supposed to have oneshots in it too, but we don’t talk about that) that I haven’t even gotten close to finishing, I’ve honestly barely even started. I still want to write the books but idkkkkkkkk. I’ll figure it out but if anyone has any advice on it please let me know 


hehe if anyone cares (not a "I don't think anyone cares about me" way just like... if it affects you, or you were worried or smth, idk) I didn't die... kinda
          I made a half-assed attempt and about a month later I talked my friend down from attempting so... I've been great honestly


@gay6-20characters I really hope you get better, I so happy your okay rn


Im confused  :d