this message may be offensive
GUYS GUYS GUYS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: There's one thing I hate more than everything: The daddy kink. It's fucking disgusting. Like seriously, stop it; get some help. It's sick and it looks a lot like pedophilia. Plus nobody can listen to kids calling their dad without gagging. I can't imagine why someone would think that's attractive or cool or something. Idfc if you're a person who likes it, IT'S DISGUSTING.

@ -L0S3R You are partly right in my opinion, and as I look back at this thing I wrote, I cringed a little, I was a little too harsh, I'm sorry if I offended you. I just don't get that people refer to their partner as daddy; why would you want to have sex with your dad? But yeah if you like it, that's ok. In my opinion it's just weird