
I'm bored I need a good topic to write about.


@gayboyzinlove think of something that hurts you, or inspires you, then make up some random characters give them personalities and then you have half of a story. (Make it your 'journal' but instead of using your name or other people's names, use ones you've made up.)


I'm bored I need a good topic to write about.


@gayboyzinlove think of something that hurts you, or inspires you, then make up some random characters give them personalities and then you have half of a story. (Make it your 'journal' but instead of using your name or other people's names, use ones you've made up.)


this message may be offensive
HI, I’m back to writing, i know that most of my stuff is actual shit. But I’m trying to work on it. My life is a mess right now please take percation when reading, there probably depressing, or have some sexual elements in them.


I’ve tried to kill myself. I don’t say this to get attention. I’m saying this so people don’t do what I have and am…I cut, I drink, smoke and try to drown my emotions in things that are killing me slowly. But the truth is I want to speed it up. Its easier to just put my neck in the noose, or at the hands of me and a gun. Just don’t do what I have. Don’t give love to a boy, wait and give it to a man who will love you.


Hey, so like…my grandma is sick. She lives in Arizona and she was supposed to some out to where I live for  a musical I’m in, But she has pneumonia, and i have a little P.T.S.D because thats also how my great grandmother died. I understand she was older but its still incredibly scary living so far away and its hard for me to call. Her i’m just going to ask straight out…if you could keep her in your thoughts and prayers to those who know me. But also this is a time in which people can think about what they love in life and how they can cherish it with all there heart. 
          P.s. all of this is the inspiration of @IamASunflower, read her stories and like them.


@gayboyzinlove I will pray for your grandma