
guys wtf why did u read TTYL bahahahah its so dramatic and like only gets good when the last chapter developed. 
          	I've been thinking of writing again (prolly encanto bc I'm currently hyper-fixating that). 
          	if ur still following for sanders sides content I have to break it to that I am looong gone from that, sorry loves lmao
          	have a cool day ig


guys wtf why did u read TTYL bahahahah its so dramatic and like only gets good when the last chapter developed. 
          I've been thinking of writing again (prolly encanto bc I'm currently hyper-fixating that). 
          if ur still following for sanders sides content I have to break it to that I am looong gone from that, sorry loves lmao
          have a cool day ig


Thank you all for 150 followers!!♡♡♡
          Do you guys want me to do anything special for it??


@_Introverted_Panda_ I'm glad you liked it, have a lovely day/night as well❤


@ParadoxPrincex Omg thank you! <3 That actually sounds like a lovely idea. I think that I'll do that for my 200 special, since I'm closer to that now. I hope you have a lovey day/night!


@_Introverted_Panda_ You're a really awsome writer so, how about you do a special short book? Just 3 chapters long on any subject, you don't have too of course, it's just a suggestion.❤ (p.s, your work is really inspiring!) 


I apologize for not writing the next chapter of "Text Me Again" I've been lacking motivation and feeling abit upset. I'll be better soon but for now I hope you all have a lovely day and a sweet night!!♡♡


@Songsketches101 Omg your so sweet! I hope your doing well too! I won't overwork myself, I promise! I'll update soon tho. Have a lovely day!♡♡


@_Introverted_Panda_ just found and finished (this morning )Text me Again  and I'm loving it so far!!! I hope ur doing well and don't overwork yourself! Ok thx for the fluff (& angst XD). Bye!


Which of the following should I do first:
          A. Publish the next chapter of 'Text Me Again'
          B. Publish the prologue of my new Analogical story
          C. Publish the prologue of my new Logicality story


I'm sorry I've been taking so long on updating the next part of 'Text Me Again' 
          I've been feeling extra depressed and unmotivated. But I know it'll get better. I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible!
          I love you all, you're amazing and you are talented. You will be okay! You are loved
          I hope you have a good day and a sweet night!


AHHHH OMG GUYS WHAT THE HECK! Text Me Again has 1k reads. THATS INSANE! I'm litteraly crying! What the actual heckity heck guys! This amazing! I love you all so much! A new chapter will be coming soon! Thank you all so much!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤