
Okay so I stopped writing on MAFP for a bit due to my messed up timetable and stuff- but i just checked it and now it has over 1k  reads?- So im thinking of making a time table or something to write more, i also find writing fun-


@gayforgeomie pls do, its a good ff. I really liked reading it, even though, yes it was a bit confusing. ^^


Okay so I stopped writing on MAFP for a bit due to my messed up timetable and stuff- but i just checked it and now it has over 1k  reads?- So im thinking of making a time table or something to write more, i also find writing fun-


@gayforgeomie pls do, its a good ff. I really liked reading it, even though, yes it was a bit confusing. ^^


T.S is up!! Its an au about the mha/bnha s characters kids. Starring Takao Shinsou who is the child of Izuku Midoriya and Hitoshi Shinsou and basically shows him and his friend group (Tsuyoi Tomodachi) groeing uo and becoming heros like their parents. 


Im thinking of writing a Torodeku fanfic called May 16th. I havnt fully gotten the plot together and would full heartedly appreciate a co-writed to help me. If you want to help co-write I would appreciate it if you PM me.


@gayforgeomie your welcome. But can u tell me what's a co-write/ co-writed cuz I'm dumb af ;-;


@gayforgeomie I donno wuts a co-writer but I would love to help :33


   has been published. Its a Yoongi centric book basically about my life cuz Im sick of keeping it all in.....enjoy or dont I did this to calm the voices.


ill enjoy it too


Hi so i feel rlly babie and sesitive rn. Idk if this helps explain but i have severe mood swings. So im like rlly soft ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ


@gayforgeomie awwww cuutttteee all of you are adorable ❤️


I gwot two gwo now bwaii!!


Ight so my friend is looking for a gf/bf. She is 13 and a gemini. She is a weeb and a simp. She likes kpop and lofi. She has black hair. 
          If you wanna talk to her just hit me up with your  discord name and tag and ill sort the rest out.


@gayforgeomie your welcome my child 


          Im feeling HELLA babie rn and idk wtf to do my mother would prolly tell me to do some overdue assignments but my teachers dont care they love me....kinda. MOVING ON.
          Tf do I do? 


@MysticBoyLeeKnow teehee (●’◡’●)ノ


Okay I need to get this off my chest.
          So I told my mother I needed to tell her something but I was too scared to. So being the pussy I am I wrote it on paper.
          I wrote how Im pansexual and think Im also trans. I put it on the coffee table then sprinted upstairs and cried cuz i was nervous. I also wrote how I didnt wanna talk about it today so ofc she didnt bother me.
          The next morning we got in the car to go to school. I was on the verge of tears already thoughts running through my head like 'what if she doesnt accept me'.
          She said: "Theres one thing I have to day"
          I could only hum cuz I didnt want the quakiness of my voice to show or show how a tear was already slipping from my eye.
          "You dont have to apologise for who you are"
          Yea I cried again but hid it by looking out the window.
          The next day she wrote me a note cuz my homophobic/transphobic grandma was visiting. She wrote and I quote:
          "Nothing you say or do would affect my love for you. You are who you are?
          I will talk if you want me to. 
          Dont put any pressure on yourself to think of feel anything. Take your time no rush-- you have alot of growing and exploring to do so just be you.
          I love you too
          Mum -x- "
          (Yes Mum were British )
          Anyway I cried again cuz yeah. Anyway, so Im out to my Mum and she accepts me(?). Anyway thats how I came out. Ummm yeah.
          Also I wanna ask for a pride flag but dont know how soooo 


@SOOBINRYUJIN I like to go by he/him but im fine with people calling me they/them i dont really care unless its she/her. (She/her makes me really uncomfortable)


@UwU_giver of course. You are strong and brave. I’m so proud of you and what are your pronouns so I don’t be disrespectful. Mine are they/them. 