O o f. In my part of Texas there were supposed to be rolling blackouts because of the lack of power supply to meet demand (apparently our wind turbines froze up lol) but our power went out at 5:30 am this morning and we FINALLY got it back on at 3:30 and now it’s off again. It’s kind of funny, I washed clothes last night and I fell asleep while waiting for the cycle to finish and the washing machine we have tends to stay locked until you attempt to open it (safety feature I guess?) and by the time I got up the power was out so my my clothes were literally STUCK in the washing machine. Even better, I rewashed the clothes again because they smelled a bit like mildew by the time the power was on again and now they’re stuck...again. So here I am, camped in my car because my house has terrible insulation and it’s the warmest place to be rn. What a great beginning of 2021. But hey at least there’s snow.