
Hi! I have a very bad case of burn out from work, but good news is I'll be on leave for a week starting april 15! Look forward to updates, if yall r still interested <3


Be well author looking forward updates !


@ gayleesbian  I'm looking forward to updates, but at the same time I hope you are feeling well and taking care of yourself. Thank you for your hard work 


Hi! I have a very bad case of burn out from work, but good news is I'll be on leave for a week starting april 15! Look forward to updates, if yall r still interested <3


Be well author looking forward updates !


@ gayleesbian  I'm looking forward to updates, but at the same time I hope you are feeling well and taking care of yourself. Thank you for your hard work 


this message may be offensive
Hi, wow. I have a lot of followers. Im really thankful, especially because my books are still getting a lot of attention. 
          I fell out of love with a lot of shit in my life because everything has been draining me. But im back now, despite december being the busiest season for my work. I'll just reread the latest chapters i wrote to make sure i keep things accurate. 
          Thank you for sticking with me despite going into the two year mark for my books. Happy holidays!


@gayleesbian Happy holidays, and it's great to have you back! 


Hi luv, it’s been awhile since you’ve been inactive so I rlly hope your doing okay, and remember updates don’t matter much, if anything is disturbing you continue to be on break we will understand, I hope you got better boo 


@keitosora hey love, i got so drained from everything i liked doing because life was really testing me. Im thankful for your patience:) i'll update soon! 


Author, you still alive? Cause' I kinda need an update to all of your stories and by all of your stories, I mean all of them.


@gayleesbian phew.. I'm glad, thought you hit the bucket with a writer's block.. Anyways, welcome Author..


@Raven_Lovely hey love, im alive. I'll update soon i promise <33


Im not in a good mental space again. I wont be able to update for a while. Im sorry


@gayleesbian no need to apologize! please don't overthink yourself updating your books to satisfy others. If you don't feel like it then don't. Your health is important after all :) i hope you'll be okay! 


Girl we get it ok take your time we understand


You don’t need to apologise, you’re health (including mental health) comes first always 


Greetings, author! I hope this message finds you well, I don't mean to intrude your inbox or your notifications, but reading your books had certainly made an impact on me. The way you wrote it just inspires me even more to come and write one of my own as well, seeing how dedicated and passionate you were writing them, clearly enjoying the progress of each chapters you work on. I did notice that you have quite the habit of writing in such a late hour. Well- it's probably also because of your busy schedule , but who am I to tell? I do hope you would take care of yourself more, such a wonderful mind like yours should need plenty of rest. I look forward to you uploading new chapters again, but please don't pressure or force yourself to keep uploading and eventually tire yourself, it must be a struggle keeping up and thinking about what chapters to write next when you have around 5 books to write to. Love lots.
           Sincerely, one of your beloved readers :)


@Nicsd0esbooks_ Hi! How did i just see this now T—T thank you so much for your kind words, it's things like these that help motivate me to keep writing. I did take a bit of a rest, but I'll be back soon! Thank you so much for waiting and taking the time to leave a message <3