


I apologize to those who have requested an imagine or who enjoyed my stories. I made the decision to take them down. Fear not! I shall post more soon, but I am tired of trying to come up with endings to ideas I had three to four years ago, and making fan fiction. Not that I may again in the future, but I'd like to focus on my own characters for a bit. 
          Terribly sorry,
          gee (:


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To those who've requested an imagine recently or who await an update on one of my stories (so like three people),
          I'm going through a bunch of personal shit and dealing with just...everything. I want to take a break from wattpad and focus on my life, and possibly starting YouTube within the next week. I'm sorry, but please bear with me and have patience as I keep myself from imploding. I'm also going to stay away from inboxes, so unless you have pictures of dogs or want to profess your undying love for me, please don't expect an answer. Terribly sorry.
          Love you all.


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Tbh has anybody noticed MCR did this last year? The label fucks with us every year to make us think they're getting back together. Plus if you knew roman numerals, MCRX=MCR10. Tenth. Anniversary. Of. The. Black. Parade.
          NOW IF THEY DID MCRV (mcr5) then that's what you should flip about. Because they only have 4 albums (minus the greatest hits but that doesn't reallh count). Mikey's in electric century and Frank has his own band. Did nobody think of last time? Gerard said it himself Mikey wouldn't be in the band if they got back together because of his band, and neither would Frank (most likely). He also said they wouldn't use the same name bacause Mikey came up with the name My Chemical Romance. Everyone really should stop getting their hopes so high. They've got their own careers outside of MCR. 
          (But really I was kind of curious too. The label has to quit this horse shit. It would be great if they released some more demos or something, but tbh I'm kinda over listening to their old stuff over n over, I'm kind of over them. Yikes. )