this message may be offensive
I know most of you forgot i even existed, or are confused as to why i am posting this. I know im kinda irrelevant now i feel its my responsibility to do this.
In light of everything going on i would like to apologize to all people of color for ever thinking Shane Dawson was funny. His blackface, his racist asian jokes, his racist latinx jokes, and his pedophilia jokes were all funny to me when i was 11. I am 18 now and want everyone to know that he is not funny. At 11, i didnt really know what racism was. In elementary school, racism seemed so long ago because we were taught that MLK ended racism. At the time I have never experienced it because im white, so i was never properly educated on it. Middle and high school are where i got my education on the subject.
I will be deleting all of my stories that have to do with Shane Dawson. His platform is being dismantled (rightfully). He is not deserving of even a cringey platform on wattpad. I have kept them up for memory’s sake, but it is time to take them down. Fuck Shane.