Also, sorry I've been so inactive lately, I've had so much stuff going on and ughhhhh but thank you guys sm again, like I love you all, I want to give everyone huge hugs rn. You guys honestly deserve it, like each and every one of you are all special in your own way, and you are worth it, so please don't harm yourselves. Like you guys should not hurt yourselves bc all of you are beautiful, and you don't know how much it hurts me when I see someone talking about how they relapsed, or how they're depressed or suicidal, like no, you all deserve to live, no matter what others tell you. Bc I am telling you rn that you are SPECIAL and you ARE worth it. Like the great words of Tyler Joseph, please just stay alive for me. I am proud of you all regardless, like idc what's going on or who you are, I love you all, and I am so proud and happy of you all. Doesn't even make sense probably, but seriously, I love you all *hugs* Sorry, bless, love you all, sorry about this huge rant, just gotta get my thoughts off my chest. Oh, before I go, I love you all, and you can always always ALWAYS pm me and if you need, I can give you my other accounts on social media if you want or feel more comfortable talking on there. Please just talk to me, if you feel like you have no one else, I am here, and even if you're lonely and just want to say hi, then please, still talk to me. I'd love to make new friends, like seriously, I'm desperate. Like you all can talk to me anytime, no matter what's going on, or what you need, I promise I don't bite. Okay, I'm done now, love you all!