
Hello! My co-travelers!Let's proceed again on the path of enlightenment after  long break...Hoping your love and support as usual ignoring timely hide and seek from the screen


welcome to discuss any questions .we will try to find out answers from the Bhagavat  Gita with the blessings of Lord Krishna.


Well done my co travellers ! I am greatful to all my readers, viewers , followers .You are a source of inspiration to me . On this christmas eve 2016, we have travelled two hundred steps together on the path of self realization under the holy shrine of Lord shri Krishna  and his  speech named BHAGAVAD GITA .We have found answers of two hundred questions keeping with us the torch of knowledge showered on humanity by Aadi Shankaracharyji and our vedas , shruti and Upanishad. I am a learner and love to share this Sanjivani with all of you .Thanks for being with me in my journey  and making it a  spiritual TOUR .