I didn’t think I’d have to clarify this, but I’ve seen comments talking about this “method” and plenty about it on Pinterest and Tiktok. Please do not engage in any sort of method relation to suic1de. Shifting is intended to be a positive experience and romanticizing ending your life to continue into your desired reality is not positive at all.
Back again. Reminder to please not stress yourself out over trying to change your mentality to heighten your spiritual experience. Good things come in due time and it’s important not to force anything or become invested in trying to improve. <3
Helli not sure if youll see this but i made a method. I was so close to actually shifting i just opened my eyes to earlyyy ='(
So get into a comfy position. I would recommend puting in a subliminal.Now imagine your infront of a fireplace and its raining. Stare into the fire place imagine all you troubles burning. Then once your calm someone from your DR who is important comes and sits next to you. They start asking questions about your DR and your desired self. Once you answer their questions they will ask you to come and follow him. He will lead you to a door. He opens it for you and once you walk through you instantly fall. Imagine your self changing and still hearing the rain. Say things like " you are your desired self" and once you are sure you are in your DR open your eyes.
I tried this and i was so close! Maybe you can try and see how it goes? Welp bye imma try it again