
/   theory : faberry deserved to rise  -


*      faberry  deserves  the  world




               marcel's  hands  were  shaking  wildly  as  he  stood  in  the  lunch  line  at  mckinley  high     .     it  was  a  day  after  he  joined  the  glee  club  ,   and  everyone  knew      .     so  when  he  struggled  to  grab  his  lunch  tray  and  everyone  laughed     ?     he  turned  bright  red  and  zipped  down  and  out  of the  cafeteria     .     only  to  run  /  right   /  into  rachel  berry     .


@daltonsquiet ;
                 marcel  was  breathing  heavily   ,   tears  of  embarrassment  brimming  in  his  blue  eyes     .     "   im  sorry     .     i  wasn't  w  -  watching  where  i  was  going     .     "     marcel's  hands  were  shaking  with  unmatchable  force  as  he  started  to  panic  more  and  more     .     at  home  he  was  shielded  away  from  the  cruelties  of  the  world   ,   being  laughed  at  was  definitely  something  new     .     and  as  much  as  he  loved  trying  new  things    ,   he  hated  this     .


@daltonsquiet ;   laughter was not particularly uncommon around rachel. however, she was quite accustomed to it being directed at / her. / when she heard a suspicious rise in laughter, immediately she had started towards the sound to investigate the scene, though she supposed the target was obvious as marcel jax collided with her. she gasped in surprise, stumbling back with wide brown eyes. "that was - sudden."


can  you  for  once  in  your  small,  pathetic  life  keep  your  mouth  shut  and  spare  the  rest  of  us  from  having  to  endure  your  shrill  voice?
          *     i  feel  bad  this  is  so  mean  )),;


@gcldstars       ♡  ˒˒⌃ ̋  ̷       oh  god...       *  she  muttered  under  her  breath,  pinching  the  bridge  of  her  nose  as  she  let  out  a  groan  in  annoyance.  mind  you,  this  was  the  first  time  quinn  ever  complimented  rachel,  and  she  already  started  to  regret  it.  though,  it  was  hard  to  ignore  the  small  flutter  in  her  chest  at  the  other’s  clear  excitement  *        we’re  in  a  glee  club,  rachel.  no  one  in  the  whole  wide  world  would  ever  get  vocal  training  just  to  sway  in  the  back  after  mr  schue  once  again  decides  you  should  have  the  solo  and  the  female  lead  in  the  duet.      *  her  tone  wasn’t  as  snarky  anymore,  but  more  neutral  with  only  a  small  hint  of  annoyance  left  in  it  as  she  crossed  her  legs  in  her  seat  *         even  a  deaf  cow  would  agree  you’re  vocally  talented.  don’t  make  this  personal.  it’s  merely  a  fact.       *  she  huffed  out  a  breath,  wanting  to  agree  to  that  vocal  training  after  all  and  hating  herself  for  it.  lately,  quinn’d  been  feeling  awfully  intrigued  by  the  brunette  in  front  of  her  and  she  couldn’t  put  a  finger  on  why  exactly,  but  she  found  herself  being  alone  with  rachel  more  and  more  even  if  the  other  could  annoy  her  to  no  end  *        /fine/.    i  guess  a  little  vocal  training  won’t  hurt.  for  nationals  and  everyone  in  new  directions,  not  because  you  believe  i  need  it.


@populardesire ;   * she blinks up at quinn , pressing her lips into a hard line - initially , it may appear that she was offended or even stung , but eventually her lips curved into a wide smile . * i /  knew  / you thought i was talented ! i mean , clearly /  i  / know that i am , but you seemed more inclined to fester in denial , and after awhile , i opted to allow it . but now the truth is out , i suppose , isn't it ? personally , i believe /  your  / voice is . . . well , it's reasonably acceptable . perhaps a little vocal training to get a better grasp on your range . i would be willing to volunteer my expertise .


*      honestly  i  laughed  too  ajsjzjs


;     (     ba  boom,,     )
               selena  stood  by  the  sign  up  sheet  for  glee  club     .     she  wasn't  much  of  a  singer  herself   ,   her  voice  being  somewhat  mediocre   ,   maybe  even  considered  good  by  some   ,   but  dancing  was  where  her  true  love  first  came  into  play     .     and  she  figured  they  could  use  a  good  dancer   ,   right     ?
               she  was  so  focused  on  the  sheet  of  paper  hanging  before  her  eyes  that  she  barely  recognized  the  girl  standing  /  very  /  close  to  her     .


@gcldstars ;
                 "   i  could  help  with choreography     !     and  i  can  sing   ,   nothing  spectacular  but  id  like  to  think  i  dont  make  ears  bleed     .     even  if  im  there  for  the  numbers   ,   sounds  really  fun     .   "     selena  placed  her  hands  on  her  hips     .     "   patti  lupone     ?     i  guess  i  should  consider  her     .     "     she  grinned   ,   clearly  excited     .


@DANCINGMINX ;   rachel beamed. she was quite accustomed to people reacting to her enthusiasm with annoyance or, occasionally, genuine terror. already she could tell that she was going to grow fond of this girl. "well, i wouldn't say that glee club really needs / dancers / but we aren't exactly in any place to be picky. you see, we need a certain number of members to qualify for competitions. rules upon rules." briefly, she hesitated, before accepting with a firm handshake, giving one professional nod. "please to meet you. and - oh, west side story may not be exactly modern, but it is /timeless/." she breathed out airily, before straightening up. "have you considered patti lupone?"


@gcldstars ;
                 instead  of  hating  it   ,   selena  grinned     .     she  /  adored  /  her  enthusiasm     .     "   im  more  of  a  dancer   ,   and  vocally  id  say  im  more  of  an  alto     .   "   she  flipped  her  hair  over  her  shoulder  before  reaching  out  her  hand  to  shake     .     "   im  selena  sofía  jax     .     and  if  i  have  to  audition   ,   id  say  id  do  something  a  little  more  modern  than  west  side  story     .     "


/   i'm actually active !!!! imagine that . i'll be slowly getting back to everyone , but cb for a one - liner . c:


/     here  and  on  @magicaltones  please  !


/       @gcldstars        hit  me  with  your  talent  bb


/ hi !! me !! 


lacey rubbed her arm as she walked up to rachel, biting into her lower lip. she hadn’t really had many conversations with rachel before, but she had always wanted to try, and well — here she was. “hey, rachel. um, i wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after school? i mean, i get it if you’re busy, you’re— you’re you, but... if by some off chance you want to..”


lacey pursed her lips slightly, but soon smiled afterwards. "thank you, rachel. i truly do appreciate it. i know i'll never be close to being like you, but i could really use the help nonetheless."


@motherIoving ;   rachel nodded, a somber expression crossing her tan features. "yes, i can only imagine how depressing it must be to observe my spectacular vocal range everyday without maintaining a similar skill of your own. i would say that i started out just like you, but i won my first dancing competition when i was a very small child, so . . ." she trailed off, before perking up, reassuringly patting lacey's shoulder. "never fear. no one is entirely hopeless. i'll fix you up in no time."


lacey was about to disagree and defend herself, but the girl was quite similar to rachel in that she wanted to be the best that she could be. not to mention she desperately needed more female friends. “yeah, it’d be nice if i could broaden my range,” she laughed softly, running her hand through her hair. “i couldn’t really think of anyone better to ask than glee club’s gold star herself.”


move  out  the  way,    hobbit.


@gcldstars      ෴      i  don’t  have  to  be  taller  to  be  able  to  push  you  over,    rachel.    i  have  cheerleading  practice  twice  a  day,    i’m  sure  i’m  stronger  than  you.         *  quinn  rolled  her  eyes,    scoffing  at  the  brunette  in  front  of  her  *           do  you  have  any  idea  how  annoying  you  are?


@Iittleprayer ;   oh , please . you're not / that / much taller , quinn , i'd like to see you try . besides , deep down , beneath all that rage . . . well , there / has / to be a soul . has to . * she gave a soft sigh , shaking her head in disapproval before crossing her arms . * i'm not moving .


@gcldstars          ෴           i’m  not  in  the  mood  to  argue  with  you,    rachel.    i  told  you  to  go  out  the  way  specifically  because  i  have  no  time  to  do  this,    and  i’m  sure  you’d  rather  not  have  me  push  you  out  of  the  way?          *  quinn  raises  one  eyebrow  at  her,    her  arms  folded  neatly  over  her  chest,     face  scunched  together  into  a  scowl  *


/   comment below for interaction ,, specify mood ! c;


@quartersbacks /   as long as rachel doesn't break into liquor cabinets again c;




/ oh hello there,
            mood is... uhm... fLuFFy