
New fic up guys! It's an Alex Gaskarth fic and it's completely written, so you only have to wait 12 days for the entire thing to be posted! It's a short short, only 12 chapters, but I really hope you like it! 
          	Love you all!!!


You just freaking followed me!!!!


@vaniluvsyuh alright :) goodnight :3


good night ttfn ♥♥♥♥


@vaniluvsyuh no. sadly I deleted my install, I made too much accounts and deleted all of them after. @gdidiotspastronaut


Hey Guys!!! Sorry for the wait on the sequel to Long Lost, but I'm still trying to figure out how to write it... Until then, how would you guys like a Hedley fic? I'm really liking this one and it's kind of dirty, but not. I don't know how to describe it. 
          I might start posting it soon seeing as I'm already like 5 chapters in. Is there any fics you guys would like? I have a lot started and like only 2% of them posted. Let me know plz and thx
          Love You Lots!!!


My plans to write this weekend have been squashed unfortunately. Some stuff went down with my extended family which led to my cousin/godfather, his finacee and their 3 kids staying at my house. Lets just say I haven't exactly had time to write. I'll try to post soon, but no promises. 
          Love you guys


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry that i haven't been uploaded but my second semester just started so i have been completely swamped lately. I will try my best to upload as often as I can, but i am not good at this kind of stuff. I get bored of stuff quickly, so ill try to upload soon, but no promises :) 
          love you guys 


Hey guys! sorry ive been so absent and havent continued my story, but i might delete it and start some new ones. you could send me some requests and stuff if you wanna. 
          Also, ive started writing a 604 fanfic thing (a bunch of bands and stuff from 604 are featured in it like marianas trench, faber drive, fighting for ithaca, bystarlight, etc). let me know if you want me to post it.
          much love,
          But you can call me haley if you want :)