
My projects have lasted a lot longer than I thought they would.  I've turned in what I think is my final PowerPoint and project documentation on the biggest project so more time for creative writing.  I can't say which of the starts I'll finish next but I do plan to post something new. Thanks for your patience.


My projects have lasted a lot longer than I thought they would.  I've turned in what I think is my final PowerPoint and project documentation on the biggest project so more time for creative writing.  I can't say which of the starts I'll finish next but I do plan to post something new. Thanks for your patience.


I put up two chapters tonight since I plan to enjoy Christmas with good food, my family and some Prosecco. So next the next posting won't be until Sunday night the 27th. I'm thinking of saving one of my Christmas gift pies for me to enjoy and putting the recipient on the post Christmas pie list that I'm doing this year. (I dithered about making pies remembering last Christmas which was the last one with my mom.)  I feel good that I got a few done; even with dropping one and coating the stove, oven and floor with pie. I think the house wanted a new rug and tripped me ;-). That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have a lovely holiday all.


I'm now publishing Keeping The Promise that I- part of my November writing effort. The first 8 chapters are up and I'm putting up new chapters odd number day like the first, third, fifth, etc. I hope you enjoy this story and look forward to your feedback.  For those of you celebrating holidays this month, I hope you have a lovely holiday. I am certainly enjoying this holiday season. I'm about to start baking my holiday pie presents. It is the only recipe I don't give out. A friend who's also a baker actually searched my personal recipe book and cabinets for this recipe. But it's still my secret. My you have a holiday treat to savor.  Enjoy and take care of yourselves.


read your story from start to finished. Great storyline which kept me reading. it was very good. more please    this I will keep. x


@linitoo I am so happy you're keeping it. There is nothing better than that. I'll have a glass of prosecco tonight (Italian champagne) to celebrate. I am working on a book that I plan to start posting around Thanksgiving.  I'm stuck on a part and need to decide on it before I start posting it.  I hope you will enjoy it too.