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If you read the message i of cause deleted immediately, then... well, shit xD I send it to soon. Way to soon, it totally wasn't finished '^^ I just had problems with insert something *cough* weekdays *cough* and... idk how i could be so stupid sending it by mistake ._. Soo lemme start new. I like your bio xD MondayDienstagTuesdayMittwochWednesdayDonnerstagThursdayFreitagFridaySamstagSaturdaySonntagSunday (<- SEE??? I was just to lazy to write all that and thats how god thanks me. Last time there where unerasable points in front every day ._.) Again, sorry, i just wanted you to believe me :') xD "Updates: Monday: None Tuesday: None Wednesday: Not yet Thursday: Not yet Friday: Not yet (NO UPDATES ON WEEKENDS)" So if i understand that right, just: No Updates ? xD And yeah... can't believe this is all it's about and i made a drama out of it •-• Uhhmm... see ya?
Not exactly, I have a book out called Not Yet (that I haven’t updated for AGESSS) so yeah , but this made me laugh my head off