
Almost nine years ago now, I wrote 'Sparks and a Girl' and the response was incredibly encouraging. It was the encouragement I received after writing this book that got me to really focus on improving my writing skills, which led to me eventually publishing my book "Beyond the Walls".
          	Figured I'd rewrite this book using my newfound writing skills in order to publish it as well. Thank you to all who've read, commented and voted on this story throughout these years. You are the reason I kept writing <3


Almost nine years ago now, I wrote 'Sparks and a Girl' and the response was incredibly encouraging. It was the encouragement I received after writing this book that got me to really focus on improving my writing skills, which led to me eventually publishing my book "Beyond the Walls".
          Figured I'd rewrite this book using my newfound writing skills in order to publish it as well. Thank you to all who've read, commented and voted on this story throughout these years. You are the reason I kept writing <3


Apologies for the spam. Just completed a massive edit of "Beyond the Walls" and decided I'd upload that version. It's got better world building, a few new characters, better character development and a more extensive exploration of the throuple relationship as well as stitching up a few loose ends for a more rounded feel of the story.
          I've really enjoyed my adventures with these characters, and it'll be a bittersweet feeling to leave this universe for the next. I really hope you find their journey as immersive and as fun as I did. And thank you to all those who've read, commented and voted on the story already! You're a wonderful incentive to keep creating more universes :)


@DAndreea87 Are the paperbooks not availabke or the ebooks? I only put up the book 1 ebook, but I'm going to put up the other 2 ebooks soon


            I am in the UK. Maybe that is why I can't see it?


@DAndreea87 that’s strange. It’s my first time trying to use Amazon so I might have made a mistake when uploading the files. Let me check. Thanks for letting me know!



Are you or someone you know in the mood for a little sapphic (& bisexual), post apocalyptic, vampire action adventure? If so, check out my book “Beyond the walls” on my profile. 


@Red12311217 it’s mostly gxg to be honest 


@geek342 well not bi unless it turns full on gxg