
Chapter 22 of Last Friday Night just dropped! You can read about Hunter’s first attempt to babysit Melodie
          	And Chapter 7 of Rin is Not Sexy is coming at 3pm EST today! Elly is still plowing through the plan and working on Step 2 so stay tuned for that!
          	Btw, I have decided to proceed with the name change so I’ll let you know when to expect a different name and book cover in your libraries!


Chapter 22 of Last Friday Night just dropped! You can read about Hunter’s first attempt to babysit Melodie
          And Chapter 7 of Rin is Not Sexy is coming at 3pm EST today! Elly is still plowing through the plan and working on Step 2 so stay tuned for that!
          Btw, I have decided to proceed with the name change so I’ll let you know when to expect a different name and book cover in your libraries!


          For the Rin is NOT  sexy book, have you finished all the chapters or you're still working on one chapter because I CAN'T wait to see when Rin will like his friend. Your books are SO good. I'm addicted to know what happens next ✨❤️


@geekiechicforall13 I'm so happy to hear that. All the best ✨


Hi! I’m so excited to know you like the story so far!!! I’m writing this the “classic wattpad way” so I’m publishing the chapters as I go. I finished chapter 8 the other day for reference but I have the entire thing plotted out. I don’t want to give too much away but I will say Rin liking Elly back will probably happen sooner than you think ;)


Rin is NOT Sexy Name Change???
          So, I know I've been super talkative on here recently but that's because I really  want feedback on the name change idea. Rin is NOT Sexy --> The Break Up Plan
          I just finished the draft for Chapter 6 of Rin is NOT Sexy. Not me here with the extreme chapters. It's giving professional.
          PLEASE let me know if you think I should change the name Rin is NOT Sexy to "The Break Up Plan"


@i-hate-sappy-stuff thanks for the feedback. And don’t worry, this rewrite will be finished!


@geekiechicforall13 oh guy can do that, it sounds better. I'm SO happy you're continuing the book, I was just about to ask about it ❤️


@HopeBray584 hey, sorry for not replying. I’ll go right over here


Last Friday Night hit 1000 reads! A super fun milestone and I’m super grateful to all of you guys who helped it get there!
          Side note, I am still seriously considering renaming Rin is NOT Sexy to “The Break Up Plan” so please let me know if you thinks that’s a good or ridiculous idea :)


I'm currently working on the 5th chapter of Rin is NOT Sexy because I'm so hardworking *that is a joke* and I suddenly have the urge to rename the book "The Break Up Plan"
          Please give me some feedback so I know if this is a good idea or a streak of impulsivity I need to squash posthaste.
          Side note, who's excited for the Bridgerton episodes dropping this Thursday??? I've been consuming Polin tiktoks and Bridgerton rants like crazy so I'm actually on the edge of my seat waiting for them.


Not me already having the Rin is NOT Sexy chapter 4 draft finished. 
          Of course, I need to read over it and filter out those typos but I'm feeling hella productive today.
          So, Chapter 4 should come out a 3pm EST this Friday, how nice.
          And once again, happy pride!


@HopeBray584 lots of free time in the summer, lol


@geekiechicforall13 dang! You work fast.what's your secret? 


Happy Pride Everyone!!!
          As someone who writes queer love stories and is Lesbian myself, I implore all of you guys who write about queer relationships (BL, WLW, etc) PLEASE take the time to think about how your stories represent the LGBTQIA+ community.
          And support some queer people in your lives. Okay bye!