
Thanks for deciding to follow me onto this carousel and doll house. Hope you don't get lost in the echo and like what you've done. If you don't I'll be sure to stop you from falling in the black and that you're stronger than me. Stay golden and...enjoy your stay...


Never mind. I got it.


@XxMystic_ChanxX I'm on an iPhone, so this might not apply to you, but I'll tell you anyway. I held my finger down on the first word until it was selected (when a word is, I guess you could say highlighted, with blue and you have the options "Copy", "Look Up", and "Share..."). Then, I dragged the dark blue line with a circle on the bottom (there are two of them; one looks like a completely blue lollipop and the other, the one I'm referring to, looks like a completely blue upside-down lollipop) over the rest of the bio and then chose the "Copy" option. Then I went to my bio and pasted it. I hope that helps! ^^