The most frustrated moment as a reader are when 1 of authornim suddenly upload an update of new chapter..
but i already forgot what’s the story about because that authornim took quite awhile of time to finally give us an update..
Then i need to re-read from the beginning to really understand the story about
I understand that create a book is hard but i hope author also understand that we as a reader also have a hard time to remembering & keep our excitement thru your books.
My personal advise for author is maybe you can create your book in a draft first until you complete it then you can upload it daily or twice a week.. so it won’t burdens you but also keep your readers excitement of you books..
And for a readers like me, maybe it’s better to read only the completed books, books that already have many chapters uploaded then al so you can check it first when was the last time author uploaded.
Thank you & stay healty
Keep support the author and appreciate their works.
Also keep a good relationship with each other since we needed & complete each other between author & readers.
Love you all