
The fact that people still read my story Lost (Paul Lahote) makes me cringe so hard!
          	But I mean it's still cool that they do, I appreciate it.


How long (roughly) until the second quil ateara book comes out. I’m so hooked and I wanna know what happened with him and Gertie. 


@HpMarvelFan1234 Also, I cringe re-reading my old stuff so....


@HpMarvelFan1234  Honestly, I never imagined anyone would want a sequel. I never even considered writing a second book, a epilogue yes, but I had struggled for months and simply gave up. That was about eight years ago. I think if I were to even try writing one now, it would defiantly go in a different direction than what I had originally planned. 
            Currently I do have a draft that I'm wiling to edit and if I over do it with he details (which I always do) then I will consider a short book 2.


Hola! No quiero molestarte :( pero quería saber si Divine continuará, espero que tengas un lindo día ❤


Si, uno tiene una vida y muchas responsabilidades por fuera de wattpad, totalmente comprensible. Me alegro de que continúe, tómate tu tiempo que yo voy a estar esperando ❤


Ayy gracias! Y molestar soy yo, soy la reina
            Pero si va a continuar.! No estoy segura de cuándo lo actualizaré, pero creó que antes del fin de semana.
            Sé que no lo actualizado en mucho tiempo porqué trabajo bastante, pero si tengo unos capítulos listos. Nomas me falta de editarlos antes publicar los. 
            Y gracias, igualmente!