
Hello. I am in fact, not dead. Technology problems mean that I am probably not going to be updating or finishing Room 341 anytime soon. Apologies.


@SupreLlama Thank you! I appreciate that. It is by far not my best work but I love that it still brings people joy.


@genderfluidnightmare cause of you’re awesome book Flower


Hello. I am in fact, not dead. Technology problems mean that I am probably not going to be updating or finishing Room 341 anytime soon. Apologies.


@SupreLlama Thank you! I appreciate that. It is by far not my best work but I love that it still brings people joy.


@genderfluidnightmare cause of you’re awesome book Flower


So um, thank you for 200 followers. I can't tell you how much this means to me. 
          I know I've been a little bit absent from Wattpad for a few months. I don't know if you've noticed it much, but I pretty much only check comments anymore. I've been considering for a while just switching completely to Archive of Our Own. It isn't easy because I love this account and the people that I've talked to through it. Your comments on my stories have gotten me through some rough times when I haven't felt quite so secure in my writing. 
          That being said, I feel like, in a way, I've outgrown this account. There are so many things about these stories that I'd change, especially Flowers. I can't express to you how many times I've tried to rewrite Flowers. It is possibly the worst work I've ever done, and that is saying a lot. 
          I can't rewrite them though, no matter how much I want to. And I can't delete them either. I couldn't make myself do that because of the comments and lovely conversations I've had. And I can't make myself completely abandon this account either.
          So what I think I'm going to do is finish up Room 341. After that, I'll keep doing what I've been doing. Just reading comments and such. I won't be updating anything or uploading any new stories for the time being. I don't know if this will be permanent or how long it will last. I'm still going to be active on Archive of Our Own, so feel free to go find me there if you want to continue reading my stuff. It's just the same username as I am here.
          Thank you again. Your enthusiastic and continuous support over the past few years has been so important to me, and I can never repay you for the kindness you've shown me.


@Chocolatebiscuit112  genderfluidnightmare, same as here.


@genderfluidnightmare that's perfectly fine. Do what makes you happy. If you don't mind me asking, what's your username on ao3?


Do you ever do something deliciously evil to your characters and then regret it as you write because now you feel awful. 


Hey everyone! I’d like to start updating my oneshots book more regularly, but I’m having trouble thinking of ideas. If anyone has a request or a prompt, I’d love to hear it! 


Hm, I’ll see what I can come up with!


@genderfluidnightmare hmm.. Hurt-Comfort Drarry? Love to see some fluff q(≧▽≦q)


          So I know I haven't been completely MIA, but I haven't updated in like *checks calender* wayyyy too long. But I just updated my oneshots book. It isn't anything that anyone asked for, but I liked it sooo. 
          Anyway, sorry I kind of disappeared. I promise I'm somewhat back, and I'm working on a new fic! It's Drarry and You Will Cry. You have been warned.


Hey y’all, quick question. Answer as honestly as you can.
          I’m thinking about branching away from fanfiction and more towards original stories. I’m hoping this will present more opportunities for me, and help me grow as a writer.
          Would you read original stories if I wrote them? If not, why? What kind of stories would you be looking for if I did start to write original ideas
          Thank you for your feedback, and as always, your support means the world to me.


@genderfluidnightmare Ohh that's good! You should always try new things- And if going towards original stories makes you grow more as a writer whilst also making you happy- Then you should totally go for it! 
            Hm.. I read lots of original LGBTQ+ stories here on wattpad and on tapas. However, on my Kindle I usually go for paranormal, romance, and suspense stories- But I'll go for anything you want to write! Do whatever makes your heart happy, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the near future!


Hey everyone!
          I know I’ve been a bit bad about updating lately. I’ve had some trouble writing any fanfiction. 
          I’ve decided that I’m going to delete When It All Falls Apart for the time being. I’m not sure where I’m going with it, and I feel like my guilt over not updating it is preventing me from working on anything else. 
          Thank you for 170 followers. Your support means so much to me and I’m so grateful for the support that you’ve shown me. 


@genderfluidnightmare congratulations, and take your time