@genderqueermercury I have dysphoria. But, they shouldn't of done that. Especially at 7am, and especially telling you you're not non-binary. I do believe you need dysphoria in some cases not all. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I'm have social dysphoria and I dysphoria of how I appear. Of course you're identity should how comfortable you feel not how uncomfortable you should feel. I have had some people tell me I'm not non-binary because: "You can't be not a girl or boy." And the first one who questioned my identity asked a lot of inappropriate questions. Sadly you may have to deal with people who don't understand or don't want too. As a non-binary person myself I find it very annoying and disrespectful. If this ever happens again and they are disrespectful just tell them to leave you alone, if they don't listen or try to act like a civil human being just block them. Depending what they do you may have to report them.