
          How will I say this..
          How's wattpad?
          Btw, I got this stories if you want to read it..lol..
          If you love romantic, passionate stories I got this INTENTIONS: HER WAS MONEY, HIM WAS LUST
          I got it until 9 parts
          If you love those power thing like you see on Heroes TV or X-Men.. I got this 
          It just started so I need votes in order for me to know, if this one's can catch your attention.
          If you love those natural occurring disasters, like of earthquakes, tsunamis, tidal waves and etc. I got THE END (the story of world's doom)
          It's until chapter 2.
          If you love poetry, I got poems for you grouped in one. It's POEMS composed of different poems inside.
          I got 11 poems.
          If you want to enjoy some game because you feel bored, I got this I'LL START YOU CONTINUE 
          Just read the mechanics about it. lol..
          Anything can be written but few are chosen.. lol..
          So, I'm just starting with my stories and I'm searching for my readers..
          Go.Go.Go. Browse my profile..lol.
          If you can, please don't forget to leave your comment 
          and please vote..
          If you're still not a fan, be a fan
          as long as you want it..
          ENJOY READING!


Hello fellow stranger!Today I just posted my new Lullaby.It is called Deaths Lullaby.I do write songs yes....I worked on it for two hours last night!I hope you enjoy it.I hope it brings you peace.Please comment/rate it for me?:DI need to know if it is good material so I can use it as Journeys special lullaby....Everyonez loved it so far...I hope you do too


Hey there! 
          I'm new to Watt  pad, and I was wondering if y o u could read one of my sto ri es and comment on it! (voti ng , f anning, and whatever ar e a ll o ptional, its the revi ews I nee d!) I'd love to retu rn the fav or, and I will! 
          I know this mig  ht annoy you, but anything i s greatly appreciated! Thanks  f o r reading this! 
          My Stories--Gol  den Dawn; Karis Gebelin was j u st your typical Hawaii tra ns pl ant to Manhattan, obsess ive to p student who actually  pro cras tinates everything, and b ound of Ivy; future care erist and c urrent fortune tel ler. U ntil-- that is--she fin ds out everyth ing she aced is  more o r less a ben trevato-- so good bye model student and strivin g socialit e--and hell o demons layer/alche mist and automatic industry ty coon--t hat is, if she survives. 
          Elven Mob Bosse  s and Rebel Heirs--Welcome t o a world where elves,well, a re n 't your fairy tale elves.  Ru le d in a ochlocracy, of O liga rch s and tech savvy mega­corpo rati ons, of underworld crimin al ru le, resistance in  this m obocra cy is futile wh en your King ca n be your dish washer i n one da y. Intergala ctic best seller an d future O ligarch, K ronos fød t av Mø rke’skala soon finds out ho w his fickl e world migh t cha nge--with his help too.


          could u plz check out my stories: Why Do I Love HIm ... and ... Meeting My Family & The Others
          it would mean a lot to me if u could
          if u like it plz dont hesitate to vote, comment and become a fan 


          I was just clicking on some profiles and then on some others and landed here :) So, just thought to let you know that I'll start reading your story within a few minutes ;)
          (I seem to be using a lot of smiley's too, it's addictive :P )


          Please don’t say no untill you read what I have to say
          I’m new to this! 
          I was just wondering if you could give my book a look at! Remember don’t finish until you read what I have to say! It would mean so, so much if you did read one of mine and comment on what you think good or bad!
          It’s called:
          "Smart, Brave, Beautiful, Interesting, Nice... and completely CLUELESS!"
          The link is:
          Or or or 
          The next one is called:
          “The Monster in my Closet”
          The link is:
          Please and if you do I will gladly return the favor! Just tell me which of your book you would like me to read and I will : ) or all of them if you want : ) 
          I look forward to reading your stories and hope you read mine!
          : D