
oh yeah, by the way, it seems that if you'd previously added one of my stories to a reading list, it's probably not there anymore - you'll have to re-add them if you want. Sorry for the inconvenience!


o que aconteceu a alren one-shots? ):


Já reparei nisso e fico feliz por as ver novamente!(: São fantásticas! 


@javally então, eu tirei todas as minhas histórias do ar, mas estou as disponibilizando de novo por aqui c:


just wondering, as you're one of my favorite authors on wattpad, do you think you'll be posting anything new soon? i really need a good camren to read, but i've read all the good ones i've found. ha ha.


jfkfjfkd you're too sweet! <3 And yes, actually, I have something that's been in the works for the past couple of months that I'm really anxious to start sharing with you guys! I can't give too much away, but hopefully I'll start publishing it this month still :x


Hi guys,
          I'd like to ask you to please not translate any of my stories without my permission. (Especially if you're going to do the translation into Portuguese or Spanish - I can do either of those myself if I'd like.)
          POR FAVOR não traduzam minhas histórias sem minha permissão. Caso haja interesse, eu mesma posso traduzí-las para o português ou espanhol... (Então caso achem que esse interesse existe, podem me avisar!)
          Eu entendo a vontade de querer compartilhar certas coisas com fãs que não lêem inglês tão bem, mas peço que entendam o trabalho, dedicação, e tempo que dediquei nas minhas histórias. Tenho muito apreço por elas, então agradeço a compreensão!