So there’s this story that I’ve been trying to read and at first I really enjoyed the story but then came the third part or book. Now I’m just like really the third book was seriously unnecessary; it could have been about her children. The author asked for our opinions in like a Q-A I guess and then of course I ask some questions and give my opinion. Now I cant even comment because I think she blocked me; for giving my opinion. So far from what I’ve read The male main character is not growing or evolving at all in the story while the female main character is finding love and having more kids. All the while he has some girlfriend that his kids doesn’t even respect. It’s like she doesn’t want his character to be liked by all the readers- he is my favorite character anyway. The female MC I cannot stand. The writer makes her seem like she’s a perfect mother and does all this likes she’s so holy. And another thing they supposedly go to church. If you were a Christian and a believer like you say; why were you so quick to jump into a relationship instead of trying to work it out. Aren’t Christians supposed to be forgiving, instead of trying to assault him after asking him to open up and be honest during a therapy sessions you sit and listen. Trust me you aren’t perfect. That’s probably why the marriage didn’t work in the first place. Can y’all guess what story I’m talking about.