Delayed update to Snapdragon and Lavender due to Thanksgiving being a nightmare. It's a bit short, but the entire chapter was shorter than I thought. Hopefully, the formatting will even out.
Chapter 11 is out, go check it out if you have the time. We are nearing the end of From an Angel's Broken Wings! Then I'll just be releasing the rewrites.
For anyone confused. I changed the chapters on Wattpad to reflect the ones in my re-write. Chapters 1 and 2 are just the split version of the old chapter 1. I did this mainly because I figured it would be easier for readers, and help ease them in instead of the long older version. I will be re-uploading the re-writes I've decided so be expecting that as I finish them.
Chapters fixed. If you read 8 and found yourself confused I completely understand. Chapter 7 and 8 ended up being repeats, and I apologize chapter 8 is fixed. Basically, I just published two new chapters instead of just one.
Whoops, so sorry everyone, just realized there is a chapter issue in my book From an Angels Broken Wings. I recently separated chapter 1 into two new chapters when re-writing, but decided not to fix it on here, fixing that now.