Hi there everyone
Thank so much for all the reads and votes, your support is really appreciated. I'd also like to thank you for your patience in wait for the 2nd Book of the SNS (Super Natural Saga), chapters 1 - 6 will be uploaded the 13/13/2018.
Now I know the last time I said this, I uploaded the 2nd Book then I ended up taking it down but that was because there were still a few thing that needed attending to in the 1st Book before we could move on to the 2nd.
I assure you that it was well worth the wait, though I would advice the old readers to go read the first eight chapters again, which is were most of the changes to the first book occurred.
After reading through my inbox, I decided to listen to my fellow readers and give them what they asked for. Which was a more detailed back story to our main character Logan Clark aka Shadow and the 12's parent's.
Please do feel free to message me with any more suggests or corrections, because I've come to realise that doing my own editing is basically impossible ☻.
Thank you all again and see you on the 13th of Sep with the all new SNS: Thee Original Arsenal.