
Hello, everyone. the story of Noldor Awaken will be kept updating and changing all the time, since i don't write it on my wattpad saves, but on word. i want to make it like a book, but i dont want to discourage you from reading it, but i have so many ideas and thoughts.. you know. also, i'll try to keep updating it, since my busy schedule will start again from Septermber. university and other duties taking my most time and i dont write that much. i promise, i'll try my best! stay safe! happy Thursday!


Hello, everyone. the story of Noldor Awaken will be kept updating and changing all the time, since i don't write it on my wattpad saves, but on word. i want to make it like a book, but i dont want to discourage you from reading it, but i have so many ideas and thoughts.. you know. also, i'll try to keep updating it, since my busy schedule will start again from Septermber. university and other duties taking my most time and i dont write that much. i promise, i'll try my best! stay safe! happy Thursday!


Έλληνες αναγνώστες για το Return. Δεν το έχω συνεχίσει λόγω αρκετών ατελειών. όμως, σκέφτομαι να της κάνω αρκετές αλλαγές και να την ξανά ανεβάσω. αλλά τίποτα δεν είναι σίγουρο.


I want to say sorry to all of you because lately I don't have much time to upload a new story. I'm so sorry guys.
          Δεν μπορώ να ανεβάσω λόγω πανελλαδικών.. Συγγνώμη παίδες. Θα ανεβάσω οπότε μπορώ.
          @WonderWomanForEver ξέρεις εσύ xD


@WonderWomanForEver αυτό να μου πεις... Κοντεύουμε μλκ xD


@ geofanidark  Θέλω να πιστεύω πως όχι. Βεβαίως ποτέ δεν ξέρεις...


@WonderWomanForEver ελπίζω οι πανελλήνιες να μην μας καταστρέψουν xD :3