to all my american mutuals: stay safe out there. i know it can be hard but do not express disapointment or anger at this outcome ESPECIALLY if you live in a red state. once things have calmed down and the post-election nerves have gone down, start fighting again. remember that students (especially those in university, but highschoolers and hell, even middle and elementary students) have been the catalysts of change and in the right side of history. don't let people who should be in retirement police you, your bodies or even your identity. change will come, sooner or later. keep fighting (i know i sound like a broken record, but really, i mean this. change will come. wishing you all the best and wishing the worst to the annoying orage and everyone that voted for him)
@geonppangdan this is me thanking you profusely and me also wishing I could fight back but I can’t (for reasons)