
Hey Lovelies, 
          	It's Georgia! The best Chapter so far of In Flames with the Devils of Concord has been released and I'm so so happy with how it has turned out! Read Chapter Eighteen! Its a great one! I hope you all enjoy reading it just as much as I did writing it!
          	Always, Georgia Rose O'Daire


Hey Lovelies, 
          It's Georgia! The best Chapter so far of In Flames with the Devils of Concord has been released and I'm so so happy with how it has turned out! Read Chapter Eighteen! Its a great one! I hope you all enjoy reading it just as much as I did writing it!
          Always, Georgia Rose O'Daire


Hello my Lovlies, 
          I have an update for you all!
          I'm so excited to announce the release of Chapter Seventeen of In Flames with the Devils of Concord! It has taken so much out of me to get this chapter up and finished And I hope you all will enjoy it! More chapters are comming soon, I will be posting them as I finish writing them and I can't wait for you all to experience them in all their glory! 
          As Always, All my Love
          Georgia Rose O'Daire


Hello My Lovelies, 
          I know its been a while, but the shutdown really took a toll on me and my writing. I hope that I will have new chapters and update for you all in a few days, if not I'm sorry. I really am trying my hardest to get things written and published! Please keep in touch and stay on the look out for new exciting things this fall season! I can't wait to share all the things I have planned with you all! 
          All my Love, Georgia Rose O'Daire


Hello Again my Lovelies, It's Georgia! 
          As you can see All Chapters of In Flames with the Devils of Concord have been  thoroughly updated and reposted, up through Chapter Sixteen. This is a major turning point for the story line, as we are getting ready to start on the the last installment of this book. Bigger, greater things are coming in the next few chapters. Including a Wedding, a War, and some secret stuff that no one knows about yet. So stay tuned and connected! I can't wait to share it all with you guys! 
          All My love, Georgia Rose O'Daire


Hello Everyone just thought I'd explain my latest account name change. 
          So you probably know I used to write under the alias, Blair Oddsflick. Now going into a more serious path with my writing and taking it more professional, I decided to change my alias to something a little more grown up, since I picked Blair in the 5th Grade and I'm now a Junior in High School. So that explains the new Name of Georgia and my new branding! Sorry for the confusion.
          COMING SOON:  "Dead in the Water" is my new upcoming project. 
          A young girl and her family trade their suburban lives to sail a sailboat across the world. Along with trading their normal lives for new adventurous ones, they learn many things. Starting with the true meaning of family, and the dangers of the ocean.
          Make sure to read up to date on my other works and let me know what you think!
          Thanks, Georgia!