
Just fallen in love with From Dusk Till Dawn and I am dying at how frick frackin attractive I find the Gheko brothers


Guys. I've been absent. Good lord it's been a while, I'm so sorry. For what it matters lol idk! BUT I'm almost finished writing the next chapter of Amnesia. It'll be up this weekend. I'm excited for you to read it. I think my writing has improved!


Hey guys, i know it's been a long ass time. Just wanted to say hi, and to let you all know that i will be coming back with an update of Amnesia soon. I won't be able to start writing until Wednesday night or Thursday as  I'm currently in iceland and don't have my laptop, and i broke my phone, so I'm currently having to use a crappy one. I'm sorry for my absence but im coming back!! I'll be back with an update hopefully by the end of the week, if not earlier. Thank you all for the reads of Amnesia, and the comments, too. It's incredible to know that people actually enjoy what I've written. Anyway, this is long, but thank you, and I'll be back soon♡


My imagination and creativity isn't as good as I would like it to be, but I'm hoping it will improve soon. It would make writing more fun and more rewarding for me, I think. Idk, but for now, I will keep going and hope it continues to be good enough for everyone who reads my stories c:


Every time I come on here and look at my notifications, it makes me feel so much better. I know I can come here when I'm in a bad mood. Makes me think at least I'm good at SOMETHING, for once. So thanks to everyone who has read my story, voted and commented. Without the support, I definitnely would not have even a slither of confidence in myself, so thank you <3


Hey I think Amnesia is really amazing! keep up the great work! I was wondering if you would maybe look at one of mine because that would be so cool and I would really appreciate it!


@01silent_dreamer01 hey, i know it's been months and months since you wrote this, but i wanted to apologise for not replying, I never saw it. I will definitely have a look at your writing, I'd love to! And thank you, i really appreciate that!^-^