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hello pretty boy, you're a pretty boy, will you be my pretty boy? youu know I just randomly fell on your profile and wow, I think it's fate or one of those things would you like to go on a date with me? i feel like there is a lot of chemistry and connection between us, so would you want to be with me for the rest of your life? disculpa el atrevimiento, mi unica intención es quererte y amarte lindo chico de wattpad, without putting labels on something quiet, no, no sera tranqui, i won't let you go, you are literally pure gold, one in a million, nothing happened and i already feel in love with you just for seeing a picture of your passport. you rock my world well, there is nothing more to say for now. always yours -L xoxoxoxox
¿por que su respuesta es más corta? bueno, eso solo deja claro quien tiene el verdero interés. im sorry, I took my time so as not to look so desperate since I was the first to write to you, sir. I guess you haven't felt the same connection, but don't worry, when you see me I know that your world will also stop and we will be one. oh, that sounded a bit creepy, my apologies. estoy segura que llegara a amarme tanto como yo a usted, juro no ser un bicho raro, también juro no asesinarlo y vender sus organos por un precio considerable en el mercado negro. entonces... tendremos una cita? espero que si, a very excited and delighted lu replies. xoxoxox -L
@brightsunlu dreamy day, always wanted to be the pretty boy of the prettiest girl, my answer is yes. I was looking your profile and I think this could really work out, so, also yes to the date, but in a public place, idk if you are a freak or something. I'm just reading but I feel like I love u already someone help pls too good to be real. always yours my lovely lu xoxo -g