
join my friends group , they are using
          	an idea that i had some time ago , but
          	i dont have the time now to make the
          	group — so my friend did it @fckmoney


PLEASE READ ; important 
          /       school kinda starts for me & & i have to start studying . i have some exams that i have to take & & i havent studied for them either , so im going to be in trouble if i dont . so , i will be really inactive . if anyone cares  & &  would like to talk to me i will propably answer in my admin account  @bygeorgia . i would love to keep touch with some of you , because i made some great friends & & all the people i role played with are lovely and great !! i love you all really !! im sorry , i would love to stay active , but this is my final high school year & & i need to study hard to end up going to the college i want ! 


『     hello friends & & people who i really do love to role play with . i will make this quick . there is this great person who made an amazing power rangers group @REDRANGR- & & there are many open roles . i am sure you will love its one of them , so please go check out the book & & if you want join :0                         』


how do you pronounce isethmus  ?  


smart  ?  no  ,  i'd prefer to be called average  .  people look at me weird otherwise  ,  but thank you  .  


sounds intersting  ,, i am sure you are going to do well . you are a smart kid and i would like to know the name of the island when you remember it . 
            ೫【  @bratkills


informational  .  i'm doing this really big essay report on this island i kinda forfor the name of  .  